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Harry N. Finkbone and Dane Robert Jones received the American Coating Association’sIndustry Excellence Award during its 2010 Welcome Reception & Dinner, prior to the American Coatings Show. The ACA Industry Excellence Awards recognizes individuals who have given many years ofservice to the industry, during which they have served the association and industry through significant technical contributionsand/or participation on ACA Issue Management Committees.

Harry N. Finkbone, principal toxicology associate for AkzoNobel Technology & Engineering, joined ICI Glidden in 1988,where he worked until AkzoNobel acquired it in 2007. Throughout his career, he has been an active member of ACA's IssueManagement Committees, serving on its Labeling Committee from 1988 to 1997, and the Product Stewardship Committeefrom its inception in 1997 through 2007, chairing it from 1997-1998. During that time, he spearheaded the Crystalline Silica Exposure Assessment project, and dedicated himself to the endeavor until California EPA’s Office of Environmental HealthHazard Assessment granted a “Safe Use” determination in 2002. He also worked with the committee on the development,publication, and revision of the Coatings Care Product Stewardship Implementation Guide. His participation in the ProductStewardship Committee’s Wall Paint Exposure Project with EPA was invaluable and led to the eventual publication of theWall Paint Exposure Computer Estimating Model.

Dane Robert Jones, Associate Dean and Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at California
Polytechnic State University, has been a member of the faculty since 1976, overseeing development of both the undergraduate
and graduate polymers and coatings programs at Cal Poly. He has more than 30 years of experience in the polymers and
coatings field, especially in volatile organic compound (VOC) related issues. He has extensive contacts with industrial and
regulatory coatings scientists in California and throughout the United States. He has participated in and directed several
California Air Resources Board-funded projects, including development of a solvent database, VOC analysis of aerosol coatings,relationship of hiding and VOC in coatings, and most recently, development of a comprehensive VOC analysis methodfor architectural coatings. Jones has authored several publications related to VOC development, including the recent researchentitled “Development of an Improved VOC Analysis Method for Architectural Coatings.” Jones also participated in
development of the national standard for recycled paint products. As a visiting scientist, he studied coatings formulationsat the Dunn-Edwards Corporation. He consults for several California coatings and raw materials manufacturers.
Jones also started the Cal Poly summer and winter short courses for working professionals from the coatings industry. Theshort courses bring together academic and industrial experts in the field, and provide continued education and new technicalenrichment to the working professionals in the coatings industry. The Polymers and Coatings program of Cal Poly of SanLuis Obispo, developed by Jones, has successfully cultivated many chemists for the polymers and coatings industry over theyears, and his remarkable dedication to his students earned him the “Cal Poly Distinguished Teacher” award.
Jones is a supporting member of ACA and several regional coatings societies. He presents frequently in the coatings industry’stechnical events and participates in panels for technical discussions. He is a member of the committee that organizedthe upcoming ACSeries event on Coatings Regulations and Analytical Methods.

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